Day Sixty Eight – Seventy

Acadia National Park Away we go along the coast of Maine. After loading up on farm fresh eggs and biding the friends of the farm, including all the goats, chickens, and Kiggy,farewell we headed to Acadia National Park. It is located on Mount Desert Island in the Atlantic. Gorgeous rocky coastline, endless islands, bald mountain…

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Day Sixty Six – Sixty Seven

Bowdoinham, Maine Waking up to chickens clucking and roosters crowing was a real treat! Reading books and dozing in the morning sun. Soon Beau came to coral us toward a delicious steaming breakfast with his workmates and farm boss. Such kind, welcoming, down to earth people! Fully satisfied we wandered around the farm ‘s border…

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Day Sixty One- Sixty Five

Brooklyn, New York to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts Hugs, a teary “see you soon” and all the siblings waving in the middle of the Brooklyn streets as our van rolled on, started the day. Leaving New York was hard to do with such amazing memories and the comfort of home, but knowing we were headed toward…

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Day Fifty Seven- Sixty

New York City Tuesday we slept in, relaxed, watched an episode from the new season of Arrested Development on Martin’s projector, and made meatloaf with the tasty leftovers from the BBQ the night before. Wednesday we ventured out to Manhattan with Park and Kadin, attempted to go see a MoMA exhibit called Rain Room but…

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Day Fifty Four- Fifty Six

New York City We made it to New York City! Robin was a champ. Woke up to enjoy breakfast with the family at an adorable restaurant called RYE. Had fresh squeeze grapefruit juice, homemade donuts, french toast with sausage, eggs and greens. Spent the remainder of the afternoon with Mitch’s folks before having to say…

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Day Forty Seven – Fifty Three

Spencertown, New York What a wonderful treat to be caught by family at the halfway point on our adventure! In the sweet little town of Spencertown in upstate New York, Mitch’s entire immediate family and significant others reunited for a week at a beautiful cabin on Beaver Pond. (Special thanks to Maura’s friends LeeAnn and…

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Day Forty Four – Forty Six

Washington, DC Woke up eager to seize the day in our Nation’s Capitol. Enjoyed a delicious meal at the hotel’s breakfast buffet. Rode the subway to the National Mall where we visited the Castle information center to get a grasp of the surrounding museums and monuments. To the west end of the mall sits Lincoln…

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Day Forty Three

Shenandoah National Park Last day in the hills before the big city, we woke up to little snow flakes falling. Deep cleaned the van before hitting the road north through the remainder of the park. At Dark Hallow Falls we hiked down a pretty trail with wildflowers, a trickling creek, and a tall waterfall climax….

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Day Thirty Nine-Forty Two

Blue Ridge Parkway Before departing the Smoky Mountains we popped by the Mingus Mill to tour a historic building that is still in operation grinding corn to meal. Entered the Blue Ridge Parkway excited for the next 500 miles of gorgeous tree lined roads, 45 mph speed limit, with absolutely no commercial vehicles! Took a…

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Day Thirty Seven-Thirty Eight

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Woke up early to head into the Great Smoky Mountains. Detoured onto a gorgeous little scenic drive paralleling the mountains rolling through the foothills. Entered the park, welcomed by a rushing river, swayed with the river to the visitor’s center. Got some great information on the flora and fauna native…

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