
One Response to Donate

  1. Caitlyn Faircloth

    Hello you beautiful people! I am finally caught up on your adventure and I thought I would leave a little message of encouragement! I am so happy and excited for you both. Your stories are inspiring and filled with love. I can’t wait to get a chance to chat with you guys in the future about your trip. I can only hope to have an adventure as beautiful as yours. 🙂
    I am finally figuring out my future plans as well! I am moving to Seattle after school is out! I have an internship at a small record label called Hardly Art starting in August so I am going over for the summer to work and get myself settled. When you guys are finished adventuring, and if you ever end up in the Seattle area, I would love to see you. I wish you the BEST of luck and so much love.

    Do be well!

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