Vermont to New York

In the morning we were thrilled to continue through the beautiful scenery at the base of the White Mountains and all through Vermont. Hardwood forests for miles in every direction, streams and ponds pop up every so often adding variety to the color scheme of the scenery . Stopped for lunch at an adorable brewery named Long Trail Brewery. Ate delicious food and shared the sample tastes of each beer brewed. After lunch we toured the brewery and learned all about the process of beer making from where the ingredients come from to how the bottling machine works. With filled bellies and excited minds we headed west! Through northern New York we traveled, lovely views all around on our way toward Niagara Falls! Stopped short of our destination as angry pitch black clouds had formed on the horizon. Quickly we checked the weather report for our current location, come to find out a horrible wind storm was to hit from Chicago to the east coast. We were just shy of the weather diagrams path. Slightly terrified of potential tornados that accompany high winds and thunder storms, we almost opted to stay at a hotel, but instead decided on the local 24 hour Walmart. The parking lot was packed with campers just like us, stopped for the storm. In good company, we slept restlessly that night with the top down. Besides a down pour that lasted for hours, we were safe and sound in Robin, untouched by the storm.






