Niagara Falls, NY
Woke up to a very rainy day in New York. Just outside Buffalo we decided to head to Niagara Falls and see how the weather would hold. Arrived to be greeted by the largest most powerful waterfalls I could ever, ever imagine! It is insane! The waterfalls line the border between US and Canada, Goat Island on the US side sits in the river at the head of the falls before the water topples over the edge with a roar. Zipped in our rain coats , standing at the edge of the falls we were blown away by the utter power of nature. The pounding water erupted in a thick mist forming like smoke clouds billowing from a chimney. We walked along the trail beside the falls and river that flows through them toward the look-out sky bridge, extending out over the water. Thrilled for an attraction that didn’t cost an arm and a leg, we walked out high into the sky over the water for outstanding views. After, we took the elevator to the rocky beach below, wandered along the slimy wet rocks to stand beside the base as water poured down a couple hundred feet above us. It was a sight to see. Pretty chilled we took the trail back to the van and hit the road. We drove along Lake Erie with fantastic views on our way to sleep just outside Cleveland, Ohio for the night.







