St Louis, Missouri

A little nervous but still excited we rolled into St. Louis, Missouri along with a massive thunder storm. Pulled up to our destination dripping but thrilled to hug Brendan Lind. Got to meet his girlfriend, Stephanie Zimmerman, no know relation besides dating the best friend. Headed to bed thrilled for what the day would bring in the morning, hopefully a little sunshine.

Rise and shine its time to go play! We wandered to Wash U (Brendan and Steph’s alumamatur) to throw around the frisbee. After thoroughly exhausting our disk game ideas, Brendan surprised us all with the most inventive game yet! Turf slip and slide on the pull-volt mats! The recent rain allowed for us to jump cushioned and slip across the perfectly slick surface to catch the frisbee. Soaked to our hearts’ content we waded to the car and headed home. There we showered up and were treated to the most delicious “Rooster” breakfast with toast, eggs, potatoes and sausage smothered in gravy. Props to the cooks, Brendan, Steph and roommate LeeAnne. That evening we headed to Forest Park, laid a picnic blanket on a grassy hill to enjoy our packed goodies while watching the AMAZING rendition of Twelfth Night at the last show of Shakespeare in the park. Blown away by the spectacularly hilarious performance by the actors and Mother Nature, we loaded up and headed home to sleep with smiles on our faces.

Monday, we enjoyed a quiet morning in, working on posts and videos. Around eleven our bellies began to grumble so we loaded up on the famous BBQ at Pappy’s Smokehouse, even got to meet Pappy himself. Pulled pork and rib sandwiches with sweet potato fries and fried corn on the cob. Back at home we sat on the porch swing with Brendan and watched another thunderstorm erupt from the sky, emergency flood warning in effect, the rain thundered down. It felt like we were in a fish bowl, just observing. After the storm passed we picked up Steph. The four of us, Pi Pizza (president Obama’s all time favorite pizza) in hand, headed to St Louis’ outdoor amphitheater, the Muny. Thrilled the show was still on, we were visually stimulated by the colorful and outrageous, Monty Python’s SpamAlot. John O’Hurley acted as King Aruthr, and Eric Idle, the creator of the movie and lyrics, was brought out as a special guest for opening night.

Woke up late Tuesday morning, exhausted from the past two days filled with fun! In the afternoon LeeAnne, Mitch and I joined Brendan’s softball team for an exciting almost win! After, we walked over to another field and joined Stephanie and some friends in a friendly game of kickball. Took me straight back to elementary kickball games on the playground, only this time with a cold brew in hand. With our share of sports games mastered for the evening we found our way to 4hands for some beers and gourmet bar food to catch the end of the sixth NBA final game. Exhausted I slept soundly that night!

A relaxed Wednesday found us playing Crash Bandicoot Racing in the living room after roasting in the heat reading on the porch. Headed over to Brendan’s uncles’ phenomenal saltwater pool for an afternoon swim with Brendan and LeeAnne. When we got back we loaded up Robin with lawn games and the grill. Drove to Tower Groves park and unloaded a summer BBQ scene straight from a movie set. Brendan’s cousin Mary and her guy, Bryan, met the five of us at the park. Corn Hole, Slack-Linning, hammocks hanging from trees, the scent of burgers wafting through the air, and of course Beersbee was fun for all. Full bellies and faces in permanent grins we headed home for the night.

Thursday, we woke up to sunshine and decided to enjoy it with a stroll through the Botanical Gardens. Themed and manicured, the gardens were breathtaking! We wandered for hours through the twisting and turning paths amongst some of the most beautifully unique flowers and plants I have ever seen! Hedge mazes, scent gardens, mimicked home vegetable gardens, Chinese and Japanese plants and shrubbery line a gorgeous pond with zigzag boardwalks and bridges. Blown glass art and metal sculptures litter the landscape. It is truly something. Tired from the heat we headed home to rest and compete against the reigning Play Station champ, Brendan, before embarking on our next big adventure. As late evening rolled around, we drove across town to the Big Top, Circus Flora presents A Trip to the Moon!! Popcorn and cotton candy, clowns and jugglers, dog, goat and horse acts. Trapeze artists swinging high above our heads, and The Flying Wallendas tightrope walkers riding bicycles across the high wire. We were constantly blown away! It was an epic outing to the circus!

I slept in late Friday but was aroused by the sweet smell of Johns donuts waiting in the kitchen. Filled up on sugar we went to The City Museum to let out a little energy. This place is straight from your wildest dreams! From age 2-82 you can encounter and play to your hearts content in the six story playground of tunnels and slides, ladders and ball pits. It is outstanding what the artist and engineers have put together! Climb through the tallest branches of a two story tall tree, or dive head first into its winding roots to explore underground. Squeeze through the belly of a whale to appear in dimly lit caves with slides galore. Fall into a ball bit in the sunshine with a maze of twisting wire tunneled cages above your head. Scale the tallest ladders high up over the city streets to walk onto the wings of an airplane, or drive a school bus hanging from the top of the building. On the roof top climb on a praying mantis and ride a Farris wheel, then return to street level by sliding down an eleven story slide! If I have not already convinced you of the epicness to be encountered, then know that this is a must on every bucket list. One of the best days of my life, I will for surely be returning to explore this ever changing world. Later, Mitch and Brendan played back to back softball games in the heat of the day, so after we found ourselves quenched by the famous custard at Ted Drewes. Before heading home we picked up the ultimate cheese pizza from Blackthorn to devour over, yes, more video games late into the night.




















