Battle Creek, Michigan

Excited to make the drive to Michigan today, knowing who is waiting on the other side! Cruised along the lake before turning toward Battle Creek! Rolled into the Dougherty’s drive way just in time to be greeted by four smiling faces and bear hugs in the yard. Toured the new Dougherty diggs, they have a gorgeous home surrounded by tall trees and loads of yard space to play. Sat on the deck chatting with two little munchkins, Anna and Andrew, in our laps. Loaded into the car to drive downtown for delicious wood-fire pizza and beer at Arcadia Ales. After dinner, Dale drove us around Kellogg’s, his work place, it is huge! I found it funny that the Post plant, the biggest competitor, is located just across the street! Headed back home in time for bed. Both Anna and Andrew read me a chapter out of their chapter books before running up the stairs to read more tucked in bed. Dale, Lynne, Mitch and I stayed up for a few more hours, sharing road stories from these two traveling families. We were even treated to a personal concert, Dale played us a few songs on his fancy guitar, so fun. Tucked in bed, so filled up with love, and under a roof was nice, we slept deeper than we had in weeks!

In the morning we were greeted by the delicious scent of tasty donuts wafting up the stairs! Breakfast was a feast of baked goods, bacon and fruit! After eating the kids pulled Mitch outside to play basketball, they were dying to see him dunk! The sun was peeking in and out but the humidity kept the air warm. After a few rounds of PIG, we were all a bit sweaty, leave it to Andrew to solve the problem, he came running from the house with two fully loaded water guns! We laughed so hard chasing each other around the yard. Two soaked kids later, it was sadly time for us to continue on the road. But not before Lynne and Dale so graciously loaded the van full of treats to last us weeks !! Lots of hugs and loves later we waved good bye, excited for the next time to see this wonderful family with such huge hearts.

Battle Creek, Michigan










