Day Forty Seven – Fifty Three

Spencertown, New York

What a wonderful treat to be caught by family at the halfway point on our adventure! In the sweet little town of Spencertown in upstate New York, Mitch’s entire immediate family and significant others reunited for a week at a beautiful cabin on Beaver Pond. (Special thanks to Maura’s friends LeeAnn and Frank) The setting alone was unreal, a huge home in the middle of a forested nook with a pond, let alone the wondrous opportunity for all ten of us to enjoy a week all together! Our time was spent playing wiffle ball in the yard, slack lining between two tall pines, paddling kayaks on the pond to investigate geese’ nests with large white eggs, practicing our Archery skills (Mom C is the raining queen), watching movies on the projector, yoga lessons in the living room, playing endless games of ping pong, riding bikes to the local market for ice cream, swimming in the toasty warm pool, standing under the cover porch watching thunder storms with hail the size of goofballs roll by, rambunctious games of Cranium, sweet anniversary and birthday celebrations, talking a lot, laughing even more and of course, what McGreevys do best, cooking deliciously huge meals for all to devour! What a wonderful whirlwind week with fabulous folks. Off to the big city we loaded up Robin and cruised into Brooklyn, our home for another week!









