Day Sixty Eight – Seventy

Acadia National Park

Away we go along the coast of Maine. After loading up on farm fresh eggs and biding the friends of the farm, including all the goats, chickens, and Kiggy,farewell we headed to Acadia National Park. It is located on Mount Desert Island in the Atlantic. Gorgeous rocky coastline, endless islands, bald mountain peaks, it is something else! We arrived at our campsite just in time to sit on the rocks and watch the colors cover the eastern skyline.

In the morning we explored the main drag through the park along the coast and past the scenic points. Sandy beach and thunder hole were pretty exciting, especially in the sun. We ate lunch on Otter Point watching people boulder along the rocks. Drove up to the top of Cadillac mountain for outstanding views of the surrounding peaks, ocean, and islands. Stopped in Bar Harbor at a laundromat to wash our loads. Headed to the southern part of the island to snooze under the stars.

Woke up before the sun and hustled down to the beach to watch. I’ve never seen a sunrise over the ocean, so very pretty !! Fell back to sleep for a couple more hours before driving out to a lookout over the coastline, parked Robin and made a delicious breakfast with pancakes and fresh eggs! Read our books on the beach before wandering into town to find Quietside Cafe. After a steaming slice of devine blueberry pie with two scoops vanilla, we wandered to the Sargent Mountain Trail Head to embark on an epic hike. The trail was straight up the side of the mountain at first, with beautifully crafted steps of stone and metal ladders here and there to allow less rock scrambling. Toward the top we stopped by a sweet pond with a croaking frog. The majority of the hike was scaling two bald mountain tops with 360 views and three surrounding coastlines, spectacular! Enjoyed our lunch at the top before the wind guided us back down. After leaving Acadia, we waved good bye to the ocean and headed to inland Maine to sleep for the night.












Day Sixty Six – Sixty Seven

Bowdoinham, Maine

Waking up to chickens clucking and roosters crowing was a real treat! Reading books and dozing in the morning sun. Soon Beau came to coral us toward a delicious steaming breakfast with his workmates and farm boss. Such kind, welcoming, down to earth people! Fully satisfied we wandered around the farm ‘s border down to the Abbey through the fields and forest. A beaver made a damn in the little river that flows into a beautiful glassy lake with an island of bright green trees. On our way back we visited the chickens, filled our water bottles at the pump, snapped on the mosquito netting for the back door of the van for a swift cool breeze and a nap in the shade. In the afternoon, Beau invited us to help plant potatoes in a nearby field. Six workers, one tractor, a field of rows, half a dozen types of potatoes and three hours later, the potatoes were cozy in their new soil home and ready to grow! That evening we dined on delicious curried muscles, peanut noodles, hamburgers and beers at the coolest restaurant art gallery in Maine!! Snuggled the farm cat Kiggy before retiring. Fell asleep to twinkling fireflies in the fields and our own personal light show presented by two stow aways in the van.

Woke up ready to explore this beautiful organic farm. Walked amongst rows of vegetables and through huge caterpillar greenhouses. Visited the goats with some scrumptious carrots. They are getting ready for kidding, goat cheese and milk! Yum! Recovering from a bit of a bug, I took an afternoon nap while Mitch planted peppers and weeded beds with Beau. For dinner we made clam chowder and enjoyed greens from the garden sautéed in garlic. Shared a few beers and stories before bed. What an amazing chance to experience homesteading first hand! If we can build our lives around the simplicity and self-sustaining joy of a homesteader’s life I believe we will find our place. So far on this adventure it has felt the closest to our hearts’ home.













