Day Forty Four – Forty Six

Washington, DC

Woke up eager to seize the day in our Nation’s Capitol. Enjoyed a delicious meal at the hotel’s breakfast buffet. Rode the subway to the National Mall where we visited the Castle information center to get a grasp of the surrounding museums and monuments. To the west end of the mall sits Lincoln and to the east the Capitol building. In between we were excited to see the White House, Natural History Museum, American History Museum, Air and Space Museum, and so many more! We started out exploring dinosaur bones and ancient plant fossils from early in the earth’s history. Wandered through prehistoric oceans and amongst tribes of life sized cave men with larger than life predators including giant sloths bigger than polar bears! Digitally transformed our faces to Neanderthals. Found our way up stairs to a magical oasis of butterflies. When we entered the garden hundreds of butterflies flitted through the misty jungle air. One landed on my head and another hitched a ride on Mitch’s shoulder, our company for the remainder of the visit. Lastly we examined different rock minerals and gem stones in the largest and most fantastical rock display I have ever seen! On leaving the Natural History museum we were elated and exhausted. Next we ventured into the American History Museum but first got some lunch at the Stars and Stripes cafeteria. In the American History museum there was very thing from Revolutionary war, to the Civil War, to the onset of transportation by road, track and sea, with life sized displays of city streets from the forties and railway cars you can walk on to simulate a ride. Walked through a display of all the First Ladies’ inauguration ball gowns, how fun to see style changing over time and tastes. The most moving exhibit was the Civil Rights display walking through the movement starting with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation to Martin Luther King Jr’s speech. Stood in awe at the wrinkled bill of Abe Lincoln’s top hat and the four bar stools that hosted the diner sit-ins. After hours and hours of exploring the past we jumped back on the subway and fell into bed at the hotel for a quick nap before dinner with Tim and his hilarious and interesting co-workers lobbing for farmers all over the US! Slept soundly after an amazing day.

Another full day in DC (we must be dreaming) ate another filling breakfast and headed back to explore the western side of the National Mall. First we walked past the White House, and looked through the gate into the gardens, then all of a sudden a tall woman in a pencil skirt and sleeveless matching top with shoulder length black hair walked out onto the balcony accompanied by a few shorter ladies! Pretty darn sure it was Michelle Obama! Come to find out later president of Turkey and his wife were in town. So cool! Wandered across long stretches of green grass toward the National Monument, walked with tears in my eyes along the reflective Vietnam memorial with thousands of 7 point font names etched into the stone. Walked along the lengthy reflecting pool and up the stairs to Lincoln’s Memorial. He is wayyyy bigger in person, it was very powerful reading his words, especially in the low heartfelt voice of Daniel Day-Lewis. Stood in the exact spot MLK spoke the words, “I have a dream…” Walked through another powerful and breathtaking memorial of the Korean War. The Memorial for WWII was overwhelmingly large, as well. After we could catch are breath and my heart receded from my throat, we walked back to explore the Air and Space Museum. We learned all about the Wright brothers exploration of flight, walked through a space shuttle, touched rocks from Mars, and studied rovers that have walked on the moon. Minds blown we got back on the subway toward Washington Square. Met up for drinks with the lovely, Katie Conway, who is living and teaching in DC. It felt so wonderful to catch up with such a sweet friend! Had the most unusual dinner experience with Tim at Fogo de Chao, a Brazilian steakhouse. Waiters in gaucho pants walk around between the tables with two-feet-long skewers of every kind if meat you can imagine, all you can eat. It was wild and wrapped up our DC experience perfectly.















