Day Twenty

Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon

After a cozy night’s sleep in the driveway of Garett and Bri’s, they asked us in for some scrumptious pancakes, eggs and fruit, as if they hadn’t done enough 😉 We truly are being watched over as we welcome whatever, wherever and whomever is to enter our lives on this journey with open arms, hearts and smiles. We gratefully waved farewell as we got on the road destined for the Grand Canyon, but not before we stop at an auto parts shop to grab a new spare alternator belt. Entering the Grand Canyon National Park was like entering into a dream. The vastness of this natural beauty is unreal. On this trip I have been reading Barbra Kingsolver’s Pigs in Heaven, she describes her characters’ first impression of the park like this, “A small world tour, we are trying to see the Grand Canyon all the way around. Taylor doesn’t say that they got manic on junk food in the car, or that when they jumped out at the overlook exactly at sunset, Turtle took one look down and wet her pants. Taylor couldn’t blame her. It’s a lot to take in.” That is how I felt, not that I was gonna pee my pants, but that it is A LOT to take in. Mitch and I immediately agreed we must explore below the rim to get a well rounded feel of this gigantic crack gouged into our earth. Hiking down the Ooh Aah Trail was breath taking to say the least, it took us approximately double the amount of time to go down than it did back up the steep switch backs because we couldn’t resist the pull to stop and gaze out at every turn. After the hike we headed to Yaki Point to catch the sunset. We arrived over an hour early so we wouldn’t miss a thing. Leaving behind the fenced viewpoint area we wandered east along the rim till we found the most perfect rock jetting out over the canyon to sit and enjoy the view as the sun setting cast shadows across the canyon and colors into the sky, as if tucking us into bed for the night. Back at our campsite we enjoyed chickpea curry under the stars next to a fierce first campfire.

















Day Nineteen

Camp Verde to Flagstaff

Woke up slow this morning, wasn’t sure if it was day or night because of the Cliff Casino’s parking lot lights faking sunrise all night long 😉 Ate some grub then drove through Montezuma’s Castle National Monument. Stepped back in time as we gazed jaw dropped at the ancient village carved into the rock face. Back on the road we were pleasantly surprised by the display of red rock formations littering the hwy. Journeyed amongst The Red Rocks on our way to Sedona. What a unique and interesting little town set within mountainous formations of firecracker red. The architecture felt dated yet modern as they mimicked the pueblo feel as if to blend into the hillsides. Stopped by Slide Rock State Park to cool off. Walked on slippery flat rock along a river that has canyoned itself down into the sandstone creating a wonderfully fun natural water slide! Took turns sliding down but it was very cold, so I went only once, Mitch was much more adventurous! Thought we were headed to the Grand Canyon but ended up in Flagstaff for the evening because Robin decided it was the perfect place to chew up her alternator belt. And boy was she right, after working on the engine for about an hour in the Safeway parking lot, Mitch managed to take her apart, replace the belt and put her back together. Just as we were closing up, a kind couple, Garett and Bri, offered to help their fellow travel lovers. We ended up talking for awhile about awesome places in the area and southern Utah that they have adventured to and love. Climbed back into a happy camper van to head up north when Mitch decided he should run to the bathroom. While i was waiting in the car, Garett pulled up beside and invited us to dinner at their place. He had dropped Bri off to start dinner then came back to find us. Automatically we accepted the invitation and before we knew it we were scarfing down a delicious pasta dinner over maps and beers with the sweetest, most generous, and like-minded couple! What a treat to be welcomed into their home as strangers and leave the next day as friends!20130424-085111.jpg20130424-085127.jpg20130424-085144.jpg20130424-085158.jpg







Day Eighteen

Mesa to Camp Verde

Woke up early to hug our lovely Jen farewell for now. Decided it was spa day for Robin, we treated her to a full on tune-up at a little VW mechanic in town. Watched her get lifted high as the shop ceiling! Took a walk to get some lunch and wifi in the blazing Phoenix sun. Headed back to retrieve our well rested and super sharp girl. Drove through forests of Saguaro Cacti on our way to Camp Verde for the night. Stopped by In and Out Burger for our first burgers and fries, animal style … thanks for the tip Andrew! Pulled into a casino parking lot with sweeping views of the dessert and stars.



Day Seventeen

Joshua Tree National Park to Mesa, Arizona

Got up before the sun. Bundled up and crawled atop the jumbo granite boulders for a beautiful view of the surrounding area as the sun painted color on the new day. Ate a quick bite before packing up ready to explore Joshua Tree. What an amazing, interesting and diverse place! We climbed and scaled many a huge boulder, investigated fields of Joshua Trees (Yucca trees) with their wildly growing branches, and discovered many new types of cacti. Joshua Tree National Park is a convergent zone between the westerly Mojave desert and the easterly Colorado desert. The distinction is obvious in the vegetation that grows in each. Joshua trees are prominent in the Mojave while Cholla Cacti dominate the Colorado. Skull Rock and Arch Rock trails were the highlight, beautiful landscape sweeping across flats to the foot of the surrounding mountains, with large clumps of exposed granite jetting out sporadically. After throughly exhausting the park’s sights we headed east toward Phoenix Arizona. Almost immediately after crossing the boarder into AZ, Saguaro Cacti (Taco Time Cacti) were everywhere! It was so cool, they are HUGE! Landed in Mesa right in time for a delicious dinner of pizza, ceaser salad, beers and laughter with none other than Jen Anderson and her fiancé Dan! It was so wonderful to reconnect with them and see a familiar face, a piece of home, especially after crossing into this desert world of new and unknown! What a blessing to have such amazing and welcoming friends!






























