Day Three

Smith Rock State Park to Bend Oregon

Waking up amongst these giants was a huge surprise, crawling out of the tent as the sun rose in the sky to red ragged rocks towering over the valley below took my breath away. Hiking down the canyon walls to the river we saw bald eagles nesting in tall pine trees, red rocks so high it makes you dizzy staring at them for too long and many different types of vegetation and wildflowers blooming along the rocky path. The trail we hiked claimed to have the most gorgeous views of the Rocks, river and country side, but it also was named “Misery Ridge Trail” It held true to its name and its claim. We were literally swept off our feet when we reached the top of these towering piers, the wind swirled around us as we nibbled a snack and took in the beauty. Back on the road we made our way to Bend Oregon, stopped in at the local REI to pick up a few new goodies, and arrived back in the parking lot to a flooded van! Oh NO! The water jug was accidentally left dripping for two hours creating an embracing leak from poor Robin. After a quick clean and dry in the sun, we met up with our dear friend Brynn for a wonderful jaunt through Bend and a tasty dinner with beer at Deschutes Brewerey. What a treat to be caught by such a big hearted friend. How lucky are we!









