Day Thirty Four

Oppelo, AR to Helena, MS

Sunday morning, biscuits and bacon. We headed off to mass at the home parish, St Elizabeth. Uncle Freddy gave warning that everyone I meet today is either kin or kin of kin, I was so excited to explore my roots. Each and every shinny face was happy to see us with a hand shake or hug, inquiring about family out west. I was so filled up with love I could burst! After mass we talked and met more family and talked some more over a delicious pot luck of homemade goodies and sweet tea. I was so thankful to hug my Granpa’s sisters; Helen, Irene and Bernice, they held my hands and wouldn’t let go, we were all giggling with joy. Farewell hugs were hugs to take with us back home. Later at Uncle Freddy and Aunt Becky’s we packed up the van, they were so generous loading us up with Tupperware full of dinner and treats. Several hugs, and a teary see-you-soon, later we were on the road, cruised through Little Rock on our way to Mississippi. Crossed the river to sleep on its shore filled up with the joys of home, but anxious for the unknown ahead.






