Day Ninety

Wind Cave NP to Denver, CO  Waking up to a light breeze flowing over the prairie grasses, a storm was expected to pass through. But we didn’t mind because today’s adventure was taking us below the surface of the Earth. We headed out to Wind Cave National Park and reserved two places on the Fairgrounds…

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Day Eighty Nine

South Dakota We left bright and early to get a good start on our adventurous day in southwestern South Dakota, it has got it going on. Excited to have found our first Safeway heading west, we picked up a few groceries before driving to Keystone. Mt Rushmore was our next stop. Thrilled for Mitch’s first…

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Day Eighty Eight

Badlands National Park Grabbed showers the next morning before packing up and driving off. The family was back on the road and headed home, happiness. We jumped on the main drag and drove all day rolling into the Badlands early afternoon. Exiting the highway felt like entering another planet. Along the top crust of the…

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Day Eighty Seven

Mitchell, South Dakota Woke up late the next morning and started some laundry. We texted Kyla and Kathy for an update, we didn’t want them to be stranded all day at a hotel with four boys and no car. Kathy had decided to tow the van back to Keith, a superb choice, and left early…

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Day Eighty Three- Eighty Six

Nebraska City, NE to Sioux Falls, SD Hugs for Brendan and Stephanie as we headed out the next morning. So beyond thankful for the amazing week spent playing in St Louis. We drove across the state of Missouri to Nebraska City, stopping to fuel up once along the way, we noticed a strange hesitation in…

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Day Seventy Six – Eighty Two

St Louis, Missouri A little nervous but still excited we rolled into St. Louis, Missouri along with a massive thunder storm. Pulled up to our destination dripping but thrilled to hug Brendan Lind. Got to meet his girlfriend, Stephanie Zimmerman, no know relation besides dating the best friend. Headed to bed thrilled for what the…

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Day Seventy Four – Seventy Five

Battle Creek, Michigan Excited to make the drive to Michigan today, knowing who is waiting on the other side! Cruised along the lake before turning toward Battle Creek! Rolled into the Dougherty’s drive way just in time to be greeted by four smiling faces and bear hugs in the yard. Toured the new Dougherty diggs,…

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Day Seventy Three

Niagara Falls, NY Woke up to a very rainy day in New York. Just outside Buffalo we decided to head to Niagara Falls and see how the weather would hold. Arrived to be greeted by the largest most powerful waterfalls I could ever, ever imagine! It is insane! The waterfalls line the border between US…

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Day Seventy Two

Vermont to New York In the morning we were thrilled to continue through the beautiful scenery at the base of the White Mountains and all through Vermont. Hardwood forests for miles in every direction, streams and ponds pop up every so often adding variety to the color scheme of the scenery . Stopped for lunch…

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Day Seventy One

The Flume, Franconia Notch, NH We left Bangor early in the morning and drove through Maine into New Hampshire. The white mountains were spectacular, even though it was very rainy. The mist hid the peaks from view. Late afternoon we arrived at our destination, The Flume! For the next three hours the clouds held in…

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